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Permanent Cosmetics
Treatment Care

Please READ ENTIRE page to ensure you are a good candidate for this procedure. It is critical to follow all before/aftercare instructions to prevent infection, scarring and to achieve optimum results.
Please read carefully!
PLEASE NOTE: If you have previous tattoos you must submit photos prior to requesting an appt. 

Are you a good candidate?


Permanent Makeup is not recommended for any clients that are or have:


• Pregnant or nursing
• Diabetic (consult your doctor)
• Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
• Have used Accutane in the past year
• Viral infections and/or diseases
• Epilepsy
• Pacemaker or major heart problems
• Organ transplant
• Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
• Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
• Botox for 2 weeks before the procedure (may resume 2 weeks after)
• Chemical peals 60 days before the procedure (may resume 60 days after)
• Retinols/Retin-A's: Must be OFF all Retinols/Retina-A, Acid-containing products 30 days prior to the procedure and for at least 30 days or more after the procedure.

• Lip Fillers in the past 4 weeks.

• Clients with darker lips, please text photos of your lips to Maria to ensure you are a good candidate for Tinted Lips.​



Day of Procedure


Before beginning, we will have a consultation to explain the science and process ensuring that you have a full understanding of the procedure. Together we will determine the eyebrow method that is best for your skin type and style. Using a brow pencil, we will create a custom shape that compliments your facial features, allowing you to approve the best shape for your natural bone structure and desired look. When choosing a color, it is recommended to go with a more natural color until we see the healed results. This procedure does not require any tweezing, waxing, plucking or shaving of the natural eyebrows and does not damage the brow hair. To keep discomfort to a minimum, topical anesthetics are used before, during and after the procedure. The entire process takes approximately 2 hours and there is no downtime required.


Before Care

​Applies to Initial Procedures, Touch-Ups and Yearly Color Refreshers


 Eyebrows, Eyeliner, Lips:


• No caffeine, alcohol, or energy drinks 24 hours before the procedure.


• Do not work out the day of the procedure.


• Do not tan or have a sunburned face.


• Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, or Ibuprofen 24 hours before the procedure.


• Please note that you will be hypersensitive to any discomfort during your menstrual cycle.





• No tweezing, waxing or tinting at least 3 days before the procedure.

• Electrolysis should be done no less than 5 days before.

• Do not resume any method of hair removal for 10 days after the procedure.

• It is recommended to wash your hair before the procedure. You will not be able to wet your brows for 10 days after the procedure. You will be provided with clear protective visors to use when you wash your hair to assist in keeping your eyebrows dry. 




• If you have ever had a cold sore, shingles, or herpes simplex, it is very important that you become pre-treated with Valtrex. This prescription may be requested by your physician or dentist. For your safety, we recommend that you take Valtrex (2 tablets) 1 day before the procedure, 2 tablets the day after the procedure, and 1 tablet every day for 7 days after your lip procedure.





• Eyelash tinting or eyelash curling/perm should be done no sooner than 48 hours before, and 2 weeks after the procedure.


• Eyelash extensions should be removed before the eyeliner procedure, and not replaced for 2 weeks after the procedure. Must be removed prior to touch-up appointment.​


• The use of Latisse should be stopped 2 weeks prior to the eyeliner procedure.


• Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the eyeliner procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition the next day. As a safety precaution, we recommend that you have someone available or accompany you so that they may drive you home if necessary, in case of watering or swelling.



PLEASE BE AWARE: The result of the procedure is depending on the following: Medication and health conditions, Skin Conditions –  i.e. oily and poor skin, very dry/flaky skin, sun-damaged skin, loose or lax skin, natural skin undertones, alcohol intake, and smoking, general stress, immune system, poor diet and not following the aftercare instructions. Any of the above may affect your healed results.



Post-Treatment Care


75% of the procedure and results rely heavily on your aftercare. It is critical to follow

all aftercare instructions to prevent complications, scarring and to achieve optimum results.

Please read carefully. Keep in mind that in some cases, rejection of color is possible.

This is the purpose of the 6-week touch-up visit.



Eyebrows & Eyeliner:

For 7-10 days following application of permanent cosmetics:


DAY OF PROCEDURE ONLY:  Before bed, wash your eyebrows with a mild soap and pat dry with a clean paper towel. The next day of the procedure, you will begin the 10-day dry healing.


• PLEASE DO NOT wet the treated area. You will be provided with protective visors for showering. It is recommended to cleanse your face with a washcloth or makeup remover wipes during these 7-10 days to avoid any splashing of water on the procedure area.


• PLEASE DO NOT work out, sweat or use a sauna until your scabs have fully shed.


• PLEASE DO NOT use cleansers, creams, makeup, chemicals, or any other products on the procedure area, and absolutely NO Neosporin or Aquaphor.


• PLEASE DO NOT soak the treated area in a bath, swimming pool, or hot tub. Do not swim in fresh, salt, or chlorinated water.


• PLEASE DO NOT rub, scrub, scratch or pick at the epithelial layer (scab); you must allow the scabbing process to exfoliate naturally on its own.


• PLEASE AVOID sleeping face down for the first 10 days.


• PLEASE AVOID Botox for 2 weeks before or after the procedure.


• PLEASE DO NOT expose the treated area to the sun or tanning bed. If you know you will be in the sun for extended periods of time you should wear a brimmed hat.


• Use total sunblock AFTER the procedure area is healed to delay premature fading of pigment color.


• After the scabs have fully shed you may continue the use of makeup on the procedure area with new makeup. It is important to be aware that all used makeup contains bacteria. If using a brow pencil, please be sure to sharpen it to a brand new point. It is recommended to wash all makeup brushes with antibacterial soap.


• After day 10 if scabs are still present, you may wet the area, but do not scrub or pick. Wetting the area will soften the existing scabs so that it may speed up the shedding process. 




For 7-10 days following application of permanent cosmetics:


DAY OF PROCEDURE: One hour after your procedure, wash your lips with a mild soap then apply the lip conditioner provided or Aquaphor. Repeat once every hour for a total of 4 times. Keep lips conditioned at all times.


DAY 2: Wash lips with a mild soap, and apply lip conditioner. Repeat once every 3 hours on the second day of your procedure for a total of 4 times.


• Be sure to keep lips CLEAN and MOISTURIZED. Apply lip conditioner for a couple of weeks, or as needed.


• Avoid spicy foods and direct contact with foods or drinks on the treated area for the first few days. Use a straw when drinking liquids. Cut food into small bites and avoid foods like spaghetti, sandwiches and burgers.


• Disposable ice packs may be applied as necessary to reduce swelling.


• Wash your hands before touching any treated area.


• DO NOT pick, peel or scratch the treated area or your color may heal unevenly. You may also risk scarring and infection.


• No makeup is to be applied until all the scabs have naturally shed.


• If using herpes medication, continue as prescribed.


• Do not use teeth bleaching products until fully healed.


• Wait 4 weeks post-procedure to get Botox/Fillers.


PLEASE NOTE: Your lips will appear as though you are wearing bright or vivid lipstick. The color may appear warmer than ultimately desired as they tend to lighten by approximately 40-60% once healed.



Tattoo Lightening:

Follow the same aftercare instructions as Eyebrows in addition to the following:


• It is important to the process and integrity of the skin that 8-12 full weeks of healing take place before another lightening session can be done. No exceptions.


• ONCE ALL SCABBING HAS NATURALLY FALLEN OFF, apply one drop Vitamin E Oil 2-4 times throughout the day EVERY OTHER DAY (every 48 hours) for a minimum of 4 weeks, or until the next lightening session. PLEASE DO NOT start applying the Vitamin E oil until all scabbing has completely fallen off. It is our goal to keep the area as dry as possible until all scabs have naturally fallen off.


• Lightening and/or removing unwanted pigment is a long process and patience is required. This is true whether you are choosing a lightening product service or laser. Please be patient and give the process a fair chance to work. Expect visible and wanted results in 2 to 5+ sessions. How many sessions required will depend on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted and how much needs to be removed for the desired result.


• For permanent make up in many cases only a percentage of the pigment needs to be lightened/removed and then we can continue the correction process by color correcting or color shifting. In those cases where we have pigment misplaced or in an unwanted area, color correcting will not be an option and removing as much of the pigment as possible would be our ultimate goal.


• Results cannot be foreseen, predicted or guaranteed.



PLEASE BE AWARE: For the first 1-2 weeks the pigment will appear darker, bolder, and thicker due to the scab formation and the skin's natural healing process of the immune system. This is due to color remaining in the outermost epidermal layers of skin at the start. Color softens within a few days during the healing process as the upper layers of the epidermis slough and is replaced by new epidermal cells. The area will shed, taking some color with it, this is normal and common in all Permanent Cosmetic applications. The area will begin to oxidize and take on its true color over the first 6 weeks. A touch-up may or may not be necessary 6 weeks after the initial procedure. Final results cannot be determined until healing is complete (6 weeks).

Please see "Approximate Daily Healing Schedule".




Approximate Daily Healing Schedule


Eyebrows & Tattoo Lightening:


DAYS 1-2: The pigment is approximately 20-40% darker, bolder, and more sharply defined than your healed result. Under the pigment, the skin is red and pigment has been deposited into the first layer of skin containing dead skin cells; combined giving the appearance of darker color.


DAYS 3-5: Your procedure area may begin to itch and the pigment may appear somewhat raised. 

The top layers of skin will begin to shed and you will see a loss of color. This is normal please DO NOT scratch or pick!


DAYS 6-7: The skin is now rapidly exfoliating. The color under the exfoliating skin will continue to appear light until the epidermis takes on its more transparent characteristics. The area may appear uneven, dry, itchy, tender, red & irritated, flake or scab unevenly. The areas may appear very light under the areas of peeling or flaking. The pigment will oxidize and become a little visible as the healing continues over the remaining 5 weeks of healing. This is all 100% normal. Please, DO NOT PICK. If you pick, you can cause scarring. Results vary from person to person and some clients may heal quicker than others or could take longer. Please be patient and allow the procedure to have adequate healing over the course of the remaining 5 weeks.


DAYS 7-14: Your scabs should have naturally shed by now. You may resume washing your face regularly. Your strokes will appear very light, this is normal, you can now apply makeup to your brows and resume your normal brow care i.e. waxing/tweezing. It is normal for the color to appear lighter. It will oxidize over the next few weeks and the color will be more visible.


5+ Weeks: Now is the time to critique, the tattoo has now become part of the dermis, seen under the epidermis. You may now determine whether or not you may need a 6-week touch-up.




DAY 1: You may experience slightly puffy or swollen eyes, heavy lids, and light sensitivity. Your eyes may feel more swollen than they appear.  Please try to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night.


DAYS 2-3:  Eyes will be swollen and perhaps ‘crusty’ upon waking. The swelling will disappear from being in an upright position and increase circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion and crying.


DAYS 4-6: Pigment within the epidermis will begin to flake off in little stitch-like lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation at all. Blinking helps to eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis which has detached. Do not scratch or pick!


DAYS 7-10: All shedding should be complete. You’re safe to put your face back in the shower spray.





DAY 1: Lips will be swollen, and may feel tender and warm. Use a disposable ice pack if needed. They will feel dry. Please keep clean and moisturized.


DAY 2: Lips will usually be less swollen but still tight and dry. Keep moisturized.


DAY 3: Even less swollen, still vibrant and might feel like chapped lips.


DAY 4: Skin begins to peel; you will see much pigment coming off. Do not pick or peel. Lip color under peeling skin will appear very light in color...this is normal.


DAY 5: Lips will appear and feel very chapped and dry. Peeling should be complete.


DAYS 6-9: Pigment might appear very soft in color. Keep well moisturized with Aquaphor. Color may seem to disappear and almost become 'frosty' in appearance.


DAYS 10-14: Color begins to 'bloom' little by little each day. Keep well moisturized.


Days 21-28: Healing is complete. The color you see is the color you will retain. Keep moisturized.



Long Term Care


While permanent cosmetic pigment remains in the dermis, its beauty span may be influenced by several possible factors. These factors can include sun exposure, medications, lifestyle, immune system, etc. Every individual heals differently, there is no telling how your body will heal. The technique/application of pigment is deposited at the dermal level and you may or may not require a touch-up. It is recommended to return every couple of years for a redo/Color Refresher.


• Use good sunscreen, sun exposure will prematurely fade your permanent cosmetics.


• If you are planning a chemical peel, laser procedure, or MRI scan, please inform the technician of your permanent cosmetics.


• The use of RetinA/Tretinoin or any other rapid skin exfoliation products used regularly on the forehead area will cause permanent cosmetics to the eyebrow area to fade prematurely.


• The use of chemical peels and acid peels regularly on the forehead region can also cause eyebrow tattoos to fade prematurely.


• Smoking WILL cause the pigment to fade prematurely and anesthetics will not last as long.



Additional Information


​Antacids, thyroid, and anxiety medications have been reported as interfering with permanent makeup either by affecting retention or shifting the pigment to an undesirable tone. Remember, everything we eat and drink has its own chemical structure and the electron ends that are unattached or free, may get attached to other compounds inside the body forming a new molecule that may show a different color spectrum. With that info, an educated client may have a better expectation and know that he/she may need more frequent adjustments than others. The better condition your skin is in, the better the final result will be. Mature clients may need an additional one or two weeks of healing for the final results to appear. The better you take care of your skin and protect it from UV rays, the better the outcome and lifespan of permanent cosmetic procedures. Please avoid these procedures at least 3 weeks prior to important life events such as weddings, vacations, etc.



Please Note:


When you leave the studio your permanent cosmetic enhancement is intact, that is the job of the technician. There are no guarantees made as to how your body will heal. If they fade or do not take good, that is the result of the client's skin type and lifestyle...not a result of the technique or the technician. It is impossible to know how the client's skin will heal. This is a potential risk all clients take when consenting to any type of procedure. NOT everyone is a good candidate for permanent makeup. How long it lasts or how quickly it fades depends on the individual and can vary from 6 months to 3 years. A touch-up may or may not be required between 6-12 weeks after the initial procedure. Pigment retention and how well they heal depends on skin type, age, aftercare, sun exposure, use of certain skin products, immune system, medications, lifestyle, and other factors. Color Refreshers are recommended once a  year to prevent natural fading.



If at any time you have any concerns at all during the healing process, please

call or text Maria immediately at (408) 835-2291.


Before Care & Advice
After Care
Daily Healing Schedule
Long Term Care
Additional Info
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