B' Fab Studios
by Maria Rodriguez
"Ethical. Educated. Experienced."
Please READ ENTIRE page to ensure you are a good candidate for this procedure. It is critical to follow all before/aftercare instructions to prevent infection and achieve optimum results.
Please read carefully!
PLEASE NOTE: If you've previously had SMP done you must submit photos prior to requesting an appt.
Are you a good candidate?
SMP is NOT recommended for any clients that are or have:
• Pregnant or nursing
• Diabetic (consult your doctor)
• Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
• Used Accutane in the past year
• Viral infections and/or diseases
• Epilepsy
• Pacemaker or major heart problems
• Organ transplant
• Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
• Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
Day of Procedure
Before we begin the procedure, we will sit down and work together with a marking pencil to customize a hairline that compliments your facial features and desired look. When choosing a color, it is recommended to go with a more natural color until we see the healed results. The pigment will be implanted into the scalp using a high-quality, hypoallergenic, organic/vegan pigment and sterilized needles. The entire process takes approximately 2-5 hours and there is no downtime required.
• No other person(s) are allowed in the procedure room during treatment.
• Please do not bring children or pets to your appointment.
PLEASE NOTE: SMP will appear darker, bolder due to the skin's natural healing process of the immune system. This is common and to be expected for all SMP procedures. Please see post-care for healing schedule.
Before Care
Applies to all procedures; Touch-Ups and Color Refreshers
• No caffeine, alcohol or energy drinks 2 days before the procedure.
• Do not work out the day of the procedure.
• Do not tan or have a sunburned scalp.
• Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, or Ibuprofen 24 hours before the procedure.
• Please note that you will be hypersensitive to any discomfort during your menstrual cycle.
• Wash your hair before the procedure. You will not be able to wet the treated area for 5 days
PLEASE BE AWARE: The result of the procedure is depending on the following: Medication and health conditions, skin conditions – i.e. oily and poor skin, very dry/flaky skin, sun-damaged skin, loose or laxed skin, natural skin undertones, alcohol intake and smoking, general stress, immune system, poor diet and not following the aftercare instructions, may affect your healed results.
Post-Treatment Care
Standard SMP
Days 1-4 following application of SMP you should AVOID:
• Touching, showering or shaving the treated area
• Activities that may cause excessive sweating
• Using cleansers, creams, makeup, chemicals, moisturizer or shampoo
• Direct sunlight or tanning
• Swimming in fresh, salt or chlorinated water
• Sauna, or the steam room
• Razor shaving for at least 10 days
• Scratching or picking
5 days following application of SMP you may:
• Wash your head gently with cold water and gentle soap
• Apply moisturizer three times daily to prevent dryness and flaky skin. We recommend using a non-perfumed moisturizer such as Aveeno body moisturizer.
• Avoid growing hair too long. If you do need to shave your head, we advise using an electric shaver only. We recommend a Remington R5 or similar shaver. No wet shaving (razor blade) for 10 days post.
• Use total sunblock after the procedure area is healed to delay premature fading of pigment color.
• After 5 days you may continue your normal routine.
Post-Treatment Care
Density | Filler SMP
Days 1-4 following application of SMP you should AVOID:
• Touching, showering or shaving the treated area
• Absolutely NO dry shampoo
• Activities that may cause excessive sweating
• Using cleansers, creams, makeup, chemicals, moisturizer or shampoo
• Direct sunlight or tanning
• Swimming in fresh, salt or chlorinated water
• Sauna, or the steam room
• Razor shaving for at least 10 days
• Scratching or picking
NOTE: If hair needs to be styled (ie: work/event) wet a comb and gently brush. DO NOT wet scalp.
5 days following application of SMP Density/Filler treatment you may:
• Wash your head gently with cold water and gentle soap.
• After 5 days you may continue your normal routine.
• Wait a minimum of two full weeks before having hair dyed
PLEASE REMEMBER: Scalp Micropigmentation may appear darker, bolder immediately following the procedure. This is due to color remaining in the outermost epidermal layers of skin at the start. Color softens within a few days during the healing process as the upper layers of the epidermis slough and are replaced by new epidermal cells. The area will heal, taking some color with it, this is normal and common in all tattoo applications. The area will begin to oxidize and take on its true color over the first couple weeks. Final results cannot be determined until 4 weeks after the final session is complete.
Long Term Care
While pigment remains in the dermis its life-span may be influenced by several possible factors. These factors can include sun exposure, medications, lifestyle, immune system etc. Every individual heals differently, there is no telling how your body will heal. The SMP technique/application of pigment is deposited at the dermal level and is likely to require a touch-up over time in order to maintain the color.
• Use a good sunscreen, sun exposure will prematurely fade your SMP.
• If you are planning an MRI scan, please inform the technician of your SMP.
• Smoking WILL cause the pigment to fade prematurely and SMP will not last as long.
Additional Information
​Antacids, thyroid, and anxiety medications have been reported as interfering with micropigmentation either by affecting retention or shifting the pigment to an undesirable tone. The better condition your skin is in, the better the final result will be. Mature clients may need an additional one or two weeks of healing for the final results to appear. The better you take care of your skin and protect it from UV rays, the better the outcome and lifespan of the SMP procedure. Please avoid these procedures at least 2 weeks prior to important life events such as weddings, vacations etc.
Signs and Symptoms of Infection:
SWELLING: A slight amount of swelling is typical for a fresh tattoo. If swelling becomes excessive, uncomfortable and you feel the pain radiating beyond the site of the tattoo, this may be a sign of infection.
FEVER: Fever is a symptom of an underlying condition, which is most often an infection.
Please contact a medical provider if you think you may have a possible infection.
If you have any questions or concerns please call us. If at any time you have any concerns at all during the healing process please call or text Maria at (408) 835-2291.